Social Media Photo Sizes

We can prevent a lot of annoyance if we are well prepared and know the size of the image that will appear the best, before taking photos and posting them on social media. As like any new technology, social media changes fast. If the size of the image is larger than the given image size due to the much better resolution, it is worth to reduce the image size to its own size with an image editing program. For the best picture quality we should upload images with .png extension. Be aware when making graphics for Facebook ads, the text ratio can not pass 20%.

With this article we would like to give you some help to create the ideal appearance on social media surfaces.


Facebook Page Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Cover Photo  399 x 150  828 x465
Profile Picture  180 x 180  360 x 360
App/ Tab Image  111 x 74  111 x 74
Link Image  600 x 314  1200 x 628
Photo Post  595 x 595  940 x 788 to 1200 x 1200


Twitter Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Header  –  1500 x 1500
Profile Photo  440 x 400  500 x 500
Tweeted Image  440 x 220  1024 x 512


Google+ Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Cover Photo  480 x 270  1080 x 608
Profile Photo  250 x 250  –
News Feed  –  800 x 600


LinkedIn Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Profile Banner  1000 x 425  4000 x 1700
Profile Avatar  400 x 400  –
Update/blog post  600 x 314  1200 x 628
Company Cover  1192 x 220  1536 x 768
Company Logo  300 x 300  400 x 400


Pinterest Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Profile Photo  180 x 180  600 x 600
Pins  80 x 80  736 x 1104
Board Cover  340×340  736 x 736


Instagram Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Profile Photo  110 x 110  180 x 180
Photo Post  1080 x 566  1080 x 1080


Instagram Photo Sizes

Type Minimum Optimal
Channel Art  1546 x 423  2560 x 1440
Video Thumbnail  640 x 360  1280 x 720
Channel Icon  –  800 x 800

(All sizes are in pixels.)

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